Thursday, August 18, 2022

Have a blesséd contract!

 I'm not sure how much help the papal blessing will be in improving the lot of the Teamsters workers. But I do know that unless their leaders abandon their class collaborationist attitudes and instill a socialist militancy within their membership they will always get the short end of of the stick. "The union believes, rightly, that the workers—not the bosses—earned the profits, and deserve a greater share of the proceeds, starting with a higher base wage." Marxists know that the "the profits" come from the surplus value created by the workers over and above what they were paid in wages. The workers deserve the whole pie not a greater share given to them by the bosses who keep most of the pie for themselves ( which allows some labor leaders to get outsized salaries and benefits [the labour lieutenants of the capitalist class-- Lenin] denied ordinary workers). For now we can only hope they get all their present demands.


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