Thursday, August 04, 2022

Defeating Fascism?

 “Mr. Cooper[ former gov. of N.C.] and the organization he heads — the Democratic Governors Association — support and finance a cynical political strategy to support pro-Trump candidates in Republican primaries, on the theory that they would be easier for Democrats to beat in the fall general election. Anyone who proclaims concern about the future of democracy shouldn’t come within a whiff of these democracy-denying candidates, let alone help them win votes. But Mr. Cooper and other Democratic Party groups have been elevating Big Lie proponents over their moderate Republican opponents all year, making a mockery of the American political system.”— NYT

Yes, the Republican Party is taking open fascist positions, yes, it must be defeated, but the imposition of fascism in the US is a decision to be made by the ruling class which controls both major political parties. So advocates of vote blue no matter who should not delude themselves or others— defeating the Republicans doesn’t defeat fascism. It only postpones it.

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