Sunday, October 02, 2022

What would Biden do?

 This article is basically all speculation. Two things, however, are clear-- the US is doing nothing to calm down the situation and may even be provoking it. "Such threats and counterthreats, seemingly right out of the worst moments of the Cold War, are exactly the kind that most Americans and Russians thought ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union." They would have ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Warsaw Pact IF the US had not decided to expand NATO right up to the Russian border and overthrow a Russian friendly government in Ukraine and replace it with rabid ant-Russian nationalists. You reap what you sow. Use your imagination-- suppose the Soviet Union did not collapse but incorporated Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela into the Warsaw Pact, overthrew the government of Mexico and put a pro Soviet anti-Yankee government in power and proposed it join the Warsaw pact as well. The US protests and is told not to worry the Soviet Union is only trying to make the world more safe and secure--it's not threatening the US. Well, Biden would react like Putin.

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