Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New American Empire?

The point here is that Trump is no fool: the US is without rival as the #1 support of the world capitalist system and he can do pretty much what he wants vis a vis the "allies" and China. The old world order blew up in the 2008 financial meltdown and Trump is reconstructing it as a "wheel" -- the US as a hub and other countries as separate spokes economically dependent on the hub -- thus groups such as the G7 are not needed -- the US will be like Rome -- each "country" will be in a one to one relationship with the US as an economic province of our empire and that will be the new world order -- international organizations will be symbolic at best and power will reside in the imperial hub: omnes viae Romam ducunt.
About this article
As horrified as we may be at Trump’s uncouth antics, it is important to understand the tectonic shifts underpinning them

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