Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Ukrainian Cesspool?

 US Tax payers, via the Biden regime, spends billions of dollars to support this criminal neo-fascist regime (money needed at home by the US people to fight hunger, poverty, and disease) and pro-long a proxy war with Russia it provoked by NATO expansion and other aggressive anti-Russian actions the US has followed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Left must demand that the US push for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and negotiations to bring about a permanent peace. This war should never have taken place in the first place and if the US had not broken its promise not to expand NATO to the east if the Soviet Union withdrew from eastern Europe it never would have happened-- it's the result of thirty years of provocations and micro-aggressions against a fallen foe who originally wanted to end the cold war and become part of the normal European political capitalist system but was constantly rebuffed by the US to justify keeping its troops in Europe and its high military budget to feed our domestic capitalist ruling class which lives off of war profits and military spending. The monopoly capitalism (AKA imperialism) and drive for profits and world economic hegemony of the US dominated "free world", not "nasty demented" Mr Putin, is responsible for this war, and the Left has do what it can to enlighten our own people and working class and get them to demand Biden and his capitalist cronies start the process to peacefully end it.


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