Sunday, September 30, 2018

Will the FBI End of Whitewashing Kavanaugh?

"Republicans and Democrats alike are all but certain to seize on the F.B.I.’s findings to bolster their cases, and some current and former agents fear that politics will drown out any truth uncovered by the investigation." Well, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and the people's movement has to monitor and make sure the Republicans don't try and use this investigation to whitewash Kavanaugh's reputation. In any case, the whole sordid affair has discredited the confirmation process, the nomination should be withdrawn for the sake of the reputation of the Supreme Court (what remains of it) and if Kavanaugh put the interests of the Court before his own he would voluntarily step down.
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The bureau, in a relatively limited inquiry, will rely on witnesses to voluntarily answer questions or hand over documents.

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