Comrades who think we can stop the fascist onslaught speared headed by the MAGA Republicans by supporting the Democrats, who themselves use fascist methods when it suits them, should think again. Fascism is a ruling class program and if the Republicans can't do the job, the Democrats will -- it won't be as blatant but it will be fascism just the same. Only an independent working class mass movement can deter fascism. Marxism and the Democrats are not in a coalition, but a collision. That doesn't mean we can't work along side the Democrats to defeat MAGA, but we can't paper over the fact that they are a party of the class enemy and are an enemy of the working class as well, however the leadership tries to disguise the fact.
Political and cultural commentary based on a world view shaped by the works of Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Averroes, Maimonides, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Sartre and Bertrand Russell "What is the use of studying philosophy if all that it does for you is to enable you to talk with some plausibility about some abstruse questions of logic, etc., and if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of everyday life, if it does not make you more conscientious."-Wittgenstein
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Saturday, January 21, 2023
A Stained Legend?
An interesting review but I don't think the title is really apropos. These two sisters were radical abolitionists way ahead of their time (but not completely in accord with our time) and they were embedded in a culture that "was saturated with sexist Victorian morality, colorism and white ideals of intellect and propriety." If we judge the people of the past by the values of the present we will always find "stains." That the Grimke sisters were able to revolt against this culture in any progressive manner at all should be lauded and a better title for the review would have been "How two early abolitionist sisters fought for women's rights and the abolition of slavery." For their time they were woke even if they appear a little drowsy in this century.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
MLK's ''awokeness''
''But the war on “wokeness” will no doubt continue. Its power lies in its ability to erase history and context, to act as if the inequalities that persist sprang into existence haphazardly and require only redoubled efforts of the poor to bring about change. That is the reason for eliminating the discussion of the troubled parts of our history from the classroom. Learning about how our past led to the sufferings of today inevitably raises questions of present responsibility.'' An interesting. perspective on MLK's last Sunday sermon. It advocates a philosophy of love and an interpretation of Christianity based on this view. Since religions are not based on a scientific worldview they can be interpreted anyway you like. In broad strokes Christianity, as well as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism or any other mass religion can be interpreted from the point view of the ruling classes or of the oppressed. The values of MLK's form of Christianity are based on the interests and concerns of the latter group. To bring about an earthly realization of these ideals requites a scientific worldview and understanding of reality that religion, based on supernatural causes and effects, is unable to provide. However, almost all the values championed by MLK are to be found in the doctrines of scientific socialism AKA Marxism-Leninism. The only major difference is ML does not condemn the use of violence by the oppressed in self defense when the ruling classes unleash violent behavior on them. When the dust settles, the only way the ideals of MLK can come to fruition is by the abolition of capitalism and classes and the formation of a world socialist order based on the values of communism. Or you can wait for the Messiah.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Iran Today
What is going on in Iran? The Tudeh Party of Iran, which represents the international communist and workers movements against US imperialism and fascist movements, has issued this statement which reflects its views. Progressives and people against war and fascism should take it into consideration when trying to understand the contradictory forces at work in the Middle East and the struggle against US Imperialism and repressive governments.

Monday, January 02, 2023
US War Hypocrisy
Well, it takes two to tango and this war is being prolonged by the US refusing seriously to try to get peace negotiations going. Trying to 100% blame everything on the Russians as if they just started a war for the hell of it and had no serious concerns about the Ukrainian rightists overthrowing the elected Russian friendly government by a US sponsored coup, the shelling of the Russian speaking Donbas by the Ukrainians , and NATO's aggressive advance to the Russian border. The US/NATO has supported breaking up Serbia and creating the new state of Kosovo, the US has sanctioned Israel's annexing part of Syria and occupying the West Bank and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza-- as well as NATO's overthrow of the government in Libya, and of course the US invaded and took over Iraq. In fact, the US has done, and is doing, everything Putin is being denounced for. Of course the US government gets the last word in the NYT article: “By attacking Ukraine, the breadbasket of the world, Putin is attacking the world’s poor, spiking global hunger when people are already on the brink of famine,” said Samantha Power, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID." Well, if the US is so concerned it can take a chunk of the billions it spends on keeping the war going and increasing its military power and use that money to feed the starving world-- we have the ability to do so but it would also cut into the profits of the military-industrial complex, so forget about it and put up with the hypocrisy of the odious Samantha Power and the imperialist government she represents.